
Cryoshell: Five New Songs from the Album


I have managed to buy Cryoshell's debut album, so now you can listen to the new songs from it below, including Trigger, Feed, The Room, Come To My Heaven and No More Words:



The Room

Come To My Heaven

No More Words

If you want to listen to the other five songs from the album, click here. Cryoshell's debut album is currently only available to purchase from Denmark for Kr72.00, but a worldwide release is currently being arranged...

1 Comentário:

Anglemeister said...

Ah, so glad someone finally posted these online! I've only been able to listen to the 30 sec off iTunes (Denmark) sadly I couldn't buy the album through there. Come to my heaven is probably my favorite of all the new songs, and if (WHEN) they get the worldwide release I will definitely buy the album (at LEAST once) but for now I'll stick to playing there songs on the radio


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