
Cryoshell Album - German Release Date


Knokl, Cryoshell's management agency have confirmed that the album will be released physically as a CD in Germany on 16th September (next Friday) priced €8.99, some retailers might price it differently. For German fans, the album is already on sale digitally on iTunes for the same price.


Cryoshell's Album - Now Available Worldwide!


That right! Cryoshell's debut album is now available on iTunes in every country. Tracks included are:

01: Creeping In My Soul
02: Bye Bye Babylon
03: Trigger
04: Feed
05: Closer To The Truth
06: Falling
07: The Room
08: Come To My Heaven
09: Murky
10: No More Words

A digital booklet is included with every purchase of the album. Click here to buy the album on the American version of  iTunes for $9.99 ($0.99 per song) and the UK, here for £7.99 (£0.79 per song). It is unknown if the album is on sale as a CD yet.


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